【同义词辨析】 2019-12-31 赞同approve-accredit

approve: implies commendation or agreement and may suggest a judicious attitude: the parents ~ of the marriage.   (commend 1、称赞to praise,如he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions法官称赞了他的英勇行为 2、推荐to recommend,如I commend her to you without reservation我竭诚向你推荐她)  (judicious明智,在171222 wise组中,强调善于权衡判断stresses capacity for weighing and judging,如judicious parents who use kindness and disciple in equal measure明智的父母宽严结合。这里commend表示1、赞扬)

endorse: suggests an explicit statement of support: publicly ~d her for Senator.

sanction: implies both approval and authorization and may suggest the providing of a standard: the President ~ed covert operations.   sanction还表示制裁

accredit, certify: usually implies official endorsement attesting conformity to set standards: the board voted to ~ the college(accredit); must be ~ied to teach(certify).

approve赞成: 指同意称赞,表示慎重权衡判断的态度,endorse支持背书: 表示明确声明支持,sanction批准: 指赞成授权,提供行动标准依据,accredit,certify认证: 指官方声明证明其符合标准

记忆方法: 1)首字母AESAC想成中国海A China SEA<==赞同

         2)赞同的意思是认可支持mean to have or express a favorable opinion of or about someone or something.